Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Apprentice Programme start?

We recruit all throughout the year, depending on individual bookkeeping and accounts requirements. Successful applicants are employed by an approved bookkeeping or accounts business and start their apprenticeship shortly afterwards. Off the job training is an obligatory requirement and is run throughout the year. An assessor from Training Link visits the apprentice at their place of work to progress their on the job training.

Will I need to go away for training?

No. Off the job training is delivered via distance learning throughout the year. This is assessed by your employer and your assessor from Training Link. To remain on the programme, you are required to show regular progress throughout your apprenticeship.

What’s involved in the Apprentice Programme?

Apprenticeships offered to employees within our network are taken as follows:

You will be required to be working within a bookkeeping or accounts position, and be in a position to embark upon one of the following:

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) – Payroll

If you have any questions, you can visit our website: https://training-link.co.uk/

Or contact a member of the team at:

Training Link
Unit B Meltex House
65-67 Kepler
B79 7XE

Tel: 0121 323 4477
Email : studentservices@training-link.co.uk

What qualifications could I take?

If there is a specific course of study you are interested in, get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise you on whether it is available as an apprenticeship programme.

What will I earn?

Every apprentice will receive a competitive salary along with other benefits (dependent on their placement). There is an apprenticeships national minimum wage (NMW) in the UK which applies to all 16 to 18 year olds and to those aged 19 and over in the first year of their apprenticeship. For more information is available from https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates

How do I apply?

All apprentice vacancies are advertised on the Governments National Apprentices website: https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch.

If you have a placement secured already, you can ask your employer to get in touch with us and we will be able to enrol you on to our apprenticeship programme.

What is the recruitment process?

On receipt of your application, we will check that you meet the minimum criteria and then the following will happen:

  • A short telephone interview
  • An online assessment in English, Maths and ICT (if applicable)
  • An interview and assessment day at chosen placement
  • Work trial
  • Job offer and enrolment onto the Training Link apprenticeship programme

Each stage of the recruitment process will be subject to passing the previous stage.

Where will I work?

If you are successful in your application, assessment and interview and are offered an apprenticeship, you will be employed by and work at the designated placement, wherever that may be in the UK.

Where will I train?

You will gain on the job training whilst also fulfilling the knowledge part of the course whilst progressing through your course material on a distance learning programme. You’ll also be visited in the work place by your designated assessor who will check your progress and take you through the competency based part of your qualification.

Does the apprentice programme lead to a job offer?

A high percentage of apprentices are offered full time employment at the end of their apprenticeship, but employment is never guaranteed.

How do I contact you for further general information?

If you have further questions that are not covered, please send them to the Apprenticeship Team at studentservices@training-link.co.uk

Are there any pre-requisites?

You will need 5 GCSE’s or equivalent at grade C or above, preferably including Maths and English.

You must also be able to provide evidence that you have, or expect to gain the grades and qualifications required, and bring this with you if you are invited to a placement for assessment/interview. If you have lost this documentation, then you should get some form of proof from your awarding body. Keep in mind that getting duplicates or proof of qualifications can take 6-8 weeks, so ensure this is done as early possible.