5 Top Study Tips for Distance Learning

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5 Top Study Tips for Distance Learning

Just like most things in life, studying has its peaks and valleys.

There will be days when motivation runs out, or you can feel as if you are drowning in assignments.

Here are 5 quick study tips to help you study via Distance Learning.

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1. Create a Schedule πŸ—“οΈ

Humans are creatures of routine. Following a daily or even weekly routine allows you to progress at a consistent and progressive speed. E.G, dedicating 7.30pm – 9pm Tuesday – Thursday towards studying, will get you 22 hours a month to study with ease!

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2. Avoid Procrastinating βŒ›

Procrastination is a hungry little thing that eats up all of our time 🐷.

Getting ahead of your big tasks early on in the day can make a huge difference. Studying first thing in the morning gives you the best chance of having a successful day. Also if you complete your tasks early in the day, imagine how much better it would feel to scroll through TikTok guilt free πŸ˜‰.

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3. Know when to stop for the day πŸ””

Overworking ourselves is a product of being driven and passionate about our studies. However, studying too much eventually is counter-productive. Our minds can only withhold so much information in one session. It may feel like you are superhuman for the first week or so, but in the long term it will catch up with you.

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4. Have a dedicated study station πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

This will 100% help you stay focused and organised. You will be spending a lot of time in your study area, so make sure it is comfortable! Also, organise your materials: having everything you need in one place will save valuable time when you are trying to complete assignments or prepare for exams.

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5. Stay off Social Media πŸ“²

When you are trying to learn new material, it can be tempting to take a break and scroll through your feed. Studies show that social media can lead to information overload, making it difficult to concentrate and process new information. So next time you sit down to study, resist the urge to check your phone and focus on the task at hand.

In Conclusion

When you are trying to learn new material, it can be tempting to take a break and scroll through your feed. Studies show that social media can lead to information overload, making it difficult to concentrate and process new information. So next time you sit down to study, resist the urge to check your phone and focus on the task at hand.

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