Articles, Tips, & Advice From Our Tutors

Learn more about what it’s like to study an AAT online course with Training Link, find out about the new syllabus, and read top tips and advice from our AAT tutors.

Struggling with accounting journal entries? Here are some top tips

Struggling with Accounting Journal Entries? Here are some top tips

The Dreaded Journal They can be the stuff of nightmares!

Are you reading this because you’re struggling with accounting journal entries?

Yes? In that case, before I get started, I want to tell you something.

You’re not on your own

The fact that I’ve written this means one of three things. I’ve struggled with it,...

Introducing our AAT and ICB videos

Introducing – Training Link’s Videos For ICB and AAT Courses

“Do you do videos?” A common question from both ICB and AAT students. We’ve already spoken about the carefully constructed educational experience offered by Training Link. And the cornerstone of this has always been our study books. Exclusive to us – and regularly improved after continuous feedback (both verbal and based...

What is a bookkeeper?

What is a bookkeeper?

A bookkeeper’s role is to keep an accurate record of all of their client’s financial transactions. There is, quite rightly, an expectation that bookkeepers will work accurately and efficiently, and to have a good level of knowledge about all areas of finance. This would include, but is not limited to:...

Top Tips To Tackle AAT MABU

How To Tackle The AAT Management Accounting: Budgeting Exam

This article refers to the AQ2016 syllabus. Management Accounting: Budgeting can be a student's worst nightmare. But there's no need to be scared. Our tutor, Jennifer Nyland, reveals the tactics you need for AAT Level 4 MABU success... It is important that at this level you are able to not only...

How To Tackle The AAT MDCL Exam

How To Tackle The AAT Management Accounting: Decision and Control Exam

This article refers to the AQ2016 syllabus. After so much controversy surrounding the dreaded AAT Level 4 Management Accounting: Decision and Control (MDCL) exam, pass rates are still low, with a concerning number of students on their fourth and fifth attempts of this exam. The exam was suspended...


AAT Training Provider Awards 2018

Training Link has won the Pauline Sparkes AAT Training Provider Award! These awards are the gold standard for all AAT training providers in the industry, and we're over the moon to have won an award at this year’s AAT Training Provider Awards. At Training Link, our AAT courses have been specifically designed...