Flashy? No. But this one simple study resource boosts your chances of gaining a qualification
This is the most vital part of your course package… but (bizarrely) nobody really talks about it.
We touched on this in the webinar we ran with the AAT (available to watch here). But it’s worth stressing the point again – even for the hundred or so that stuck with us for the whole hour.
These days, we’re all drowning in content. Podcasts, apps, videos, live streaming. But while most training providers love to blabber on about the flashier parts of their course offering, I want to focus on one basic element (and show why they don’t tend to talk about it).
But first, I have a question…
What if I said we’d created a study resource relied upon by thousands of successful bookkeeping and accounting students. You can use it anywhere. You don’t need an Internet connection. And it makes zero difference whether you’re running Windows or Mac OS, or use Android or iPhone. And best yet, it leads to pass rates much higher than AAT’s national average, and has helped more people gain their ICB practice licence than any other provider.
Do you know what it is?
Our ICB and AAT study books.
Our ICB and AAT study books get results and you won’t find them anywhere else
Simple. Not flashy. But more essential to successful studies than any shiny new piece of technology.
You’ll spend the majority of your studies working through them. Perhaps reading them at the kitchen table on a morning before you go to work, or scribbling notes in the margins after dinner.
A top-quality textbook remains the essential ingredient of a distance learning course.
So why aren’t training providers talking about their books?
Probably because they don’t write any.
Many of them stitch their course together from a set of components created by different companies.
A textbook from one supplier
Mock exams from another
Maybe even some videos licensed from somewhere else
They may offer their own tutor support. Perhaps they write their own extra tests. But the books are typically bought from a third-party.
But is this a problem? Does it really matter?
Well, we think so and we can sum up the reason why in one word:
We have total control over all of our study material and this means we can change it, tweak it, and improve it. Every time we get an exam result, we try to work out which area seemed to cause a little more difficulty for a student. We look again at the material- does the topic need extra examples, or videos, or additional tests – but the central part is to look again at the study book to see how it can be improved even further.
Complete control over each element of your study experience
Everything can be improved. It would be hubris to say otherwise.
But if you don’t write your own books, then all you can do is tinker at the very edges of the study experience.
That’s why each element of Training Link’s courses are carefully crafted by our own team of award-winning educational writers and tutors.
The biggest element of our course pack is our textbooks (which you will not find anywhere else). And the writing process is a rigorous one.
The writing and proofing goes through several cycles until our Head of Education is, finally, satisfied. And that’s a tough ask (woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to use the word ‘fine’ in her presence, if something is ‘fine’ then it’s simply not good enough).
It’s the same process for all of our material. For the extra tests, the additional resources, and our brand-new suite of videos. And they all work together to deliver a coherent study experience.
This is why our pass rates smash the national average for each level.
Want to know a little more about how we can help you gain your qualification? Contact us today.