Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
It is a requirement of Training Link as an approved training provider to immediately report by the recommended routes all cases of suspected malpractice or maladministration.
Any conduct or practice, by students or the approved organisation and its staff, that could undermine the validity and integrity of assessment or assessment processes will be reported.
Where the integrity or an assessment result is called into question, the result may be declared null and void to protect the integrity of the qualification.
Cases of proven malpractice against individual student members may result in withdrawal of their student membership which will bar their continued studies, or prevent them from taking further awarding body assessments or exams.
Training Link will follow the relevant awarding bodies guidelines which will include producing an incident report of any suspected malpractice or maladministration within the awarding bodies timescales for reporting.
Training Link follows the following awarding bodies steps and timescales for reporting of any suspected Malpractice and Maladministration.
Further details of the relevant awarding bodies malpractice and maladministration policies can be found on their websites.
- The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
- The Association of Accounting Technicians