AAT Level 4 is tough…
So choose a training provider with an AAT level 4 pass rate that’s 18.5% higher than the national average.

Are you ready for a very obvious statement?
AAT Level 4 is tough. It’s undeniable. But when you’re trying to boost your career by adding the skills that employers want then of course it’s not easy.
But tough doesn’t have to mean impossible. With the right tutor support, the right study materials, and extensive exam preparation (and hard work – there’s no getting away from it, it’s not for everybody) you can take that next step on the career ladder.
So what are your options? What is the best way to study AAT Level 4?
Some still prefer the timetabled, expensive, and old-fashioned local college course. And that works for some people (though probably not their wallet- an AAT Level 4 generally costs around £1500 more at a local college).
Others opt for a self-study option but find that although this saved them money and served them well on level 2 and 3- it’s just too much of a fight for Level 4 and so you need someone in your corner to support you, to answer your questions and keep you motivated.
Learn from home with award-winning tutor support
That’s why a distance learning course with access to full tutor support works so well. You’ll balance the convenience and flexibility of self-study with the reassurance that you have back-up- whenever you need to speak to a qualified award-winning tutor, you just pick up the phone or send an email. Study whenever you want, wherever you want with study material that we know works and gets results.
Every Training Link course undergoes a level of rigorous scrutiny that competitors cannot match. Our carefully crafted course books are written by experienced educators who take pride in your success and that’s why our AAT pass rate for 2018 was 95.6%.
…And guess what?
They still weren’t satisfied. And so that’s why each unit, each example, each exercise will always be tweaked according to the reactions, feedback, and success of our students.
By now you’ll see that with a Training Link AAT Level 4 course pack you can be certain that you have the best possible chance of success. You get everything you need- bespoke course materials, multiple award-winning tutor support, extensive exam preparation, online resources, access to our Student Street online community, and a free study accessory pack.
We’re supplying your best opportunity for success, but you need to supply your time, effort, and hard work. And after you’ve successfully completed your Level 4 exams? You’ll probably need a holiday… and that’s another reason you’ll be happy that you saved up to £1500 compared to a local college course.
Time to get started.
Get your guide to studying AAT
Find out how AAT qualifications can kickstart your career and learn about Training Link’s study experience.
AAT Accounting Complete – Levels 2, 3, and 4
Have you made the commitment to invest in your new career? This is ideal for people who are determined to work in the accounting industry and climb the career ladder.
This collection includes:
- AAT Level 2 Certificate in Accounting
- AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting
- AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting
From only:
£57.87 per month