Edyta Czapla MICB PM.Dip - Heron Bookkeeping
“…with tremendous help of Training Link, everything started to fall into the right place. And I got hooked.”

“When I was at school, I never had problems with maths but my main interests were always literature and history. I also studied history at a university in Poland. And was working in primary school as a teacher. So when in my forties decided to study bookkeeping, even my mother was slightly discouraging. And it was all coincidence.

When I came to UK, almost 20 years ago, I was doing various part time manual jobs. But I always loved and was on a lookout for a challenge. At some point polish citizens could work in UK full time only as self-employed. Most of my male friends worked as dispatch riders on motorbikes. That was when financial industry was booming, internet was very expensive and lacking security so every financial document had to be delivered by hand. So I thought it was a great idea. It looked so cool. The only problem was, I didn’t know how to ride a bike and my knowledge of London streets was non-existent! So obviously everyone was VERY discouraging. Including my own brother in law, (courier himself) and my sister who didn’t speak to me for three months. Because I could kill myself. Can’t really blame them. My poor mother didn’t even know.
So, there I was, after CBT exam which allowed me to ride 125cc bike, without proper clothing (couldn’t afford it), wearing a borrowed (far too big) helmet which was no protection whatsoever and making about £70 per week if I was lucky (hence couldn’t afford clothing). And it rains in UK, a lot. Somehow, I forgot about that when deciding on this career choice. Amount of times, when I was coming home, all soaked, knowing it’s going to rain next day and thinking, what the hell am I doing. I was thinking of giving up so many times. But I didn’t.
After a while, lots of advice from my brother in law (who eventually came around) it all started paying off. Got contract with very good company. But I was the only women in the radio, and from Poland. Dealing with all these cool, English guys around me. I had to work harder, be faster on the road, working longer hours. And eventually started making more money than all these guys who’s been doing it for years. I absolutely loved the job, adrenaline was buzzing. But it’s not a job for life. Eventually came time for change. Through personal circumstances, got stuck in dead end job and one day started talking to my work colleague, who was studying bookkeeping in college. I wanted to do something, but bookkeeping?
You’ve got this idea, someone sitting and entering numbers while staring at computer screen. But decided to try it. As I worked 5 nights a week, going to college was not an option for me. Luckily enough came across Training Link. I was so excited when I received my first materials. So started studying. And suddenly felt as if I’ve returned to the first days of riding the bike. No experience, or basic knowledge in bookkeeping or finances whatsoever. Some of the terminology could have been written in Chinese, wouldn’t know the difference. Tried to translate it into Polish language, but couldn’t understand that either. Plus I haven’t done anything mentally challenged for years. My brain was not used to work that hard. And working 5 nights. Could not understand what I was reading, and it had nothing to do with my level of English language. Once again, I was thinking, what the hell I am doing.
At some point I took 3 months off studying. It was too much. But went back. And slowly, with tremendous help of Training Link, everything started to fall into the right place. And I got hooked. I have finished Level 4, passed SAT and Payroll and decided I can’t postpone it anymore. Heron’s Bookkeeping and Payroll Services was born. I have never thought, I get that far. I know there are still lots of challenges, promoting business, getting clients, keeping up with all upcoming changes. But I know I am on the right path.
Reading other success stories it can feel slightly intimidated. Most of the people starting have had some sort of experience in finances or accountancy already. But it only means, that once again I have to work harder and longer hours. I have the same knowledge, just have to be more determined to achieve more. And I am prepared to do that.”
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ICB Self-Employed Package
Perfect if you want to work as a self-employed bookkeeper. When you pass the exams you can apply for your ICB Practice Licence.
- ICB Level 2 Certificate in Bookkeeping
- ICB Level 3 Certificate in Bookkeeping
- ICB Level 3 Diploma in Payroll Management
- ICB Level 4 Self-Assessment Tax Returns