Articles, Tips, & Advice From Our Tutors

Learn more about what it’s like to study an AAT online course with Training Link, find out about the new syllabus, and read top tips and advice from our AAT tutors.

Master Your AAT Exams: Time-Saving Strategies Using Question Banks

This may be controversial, but this is the biggest hack to passing your AAT assessments. Exams are usually seen as the last hurdle before completing your AAT studies. Whether you're studying AAT Accounting or AAT Bookkeeping, these assessments test your knowledge, skills, and ability to apply accounting principles in real-world scenarios. However,...


Katie Robinson Wins Distance Learning Student of the Year at 2024 PQ Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Katie Robinson has been awarded the prestigious Distance Learning Student of the Year award at the 2024 PQ Awards! This remarkable achievement is a testament to Katie's dedication, hard work, and passion for accounting, and we couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments.


AAT’s Evolution of Learning: Remote Invigilation

If you missed the earlier announcement, we're excited to share that AAT has commenced the scheduled rollout of Remote Invigilation (RI) exams for specific AAT assessments. Remote invigilation represents a stride taken by AAT to offer you enhanced flexibility in completing your accounting studies. This innovation enables candidates to undertake assessments...

Katie Robinson - AAT Student of the Year

Katie’s journey to AAT success and a Student of the Year award

Katie's journey as a distance learning student is truly exceptional. And AAT thought so too. Her outstanding academic performance, unwavering determination, and dedication to her studies are just a few of the qualities that set her apart. After gaining her A levels, Katie opted against continuing her education at university and started...


A Visit from the CEO of AAT: Transforming Accounting Education!

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting Sarah Beale, who is CEO of AAT. The visit to our HQ, celebrated innovation, learning, and the synergy between distance learning providers and prestigious professional accounting bodies. This opportunity allowed the leadership of AAT and our team, to exchange visions, challenges, and triumphs. After all,...


*Watch* AAT Study Support Session – Business Environment – Will Boardman

Are you ready to conquer the final frontier of your Level 2 course? As you approach the "Business Environment" unit in AAT Level 2 Accounting; it is crucial to ensure that you're fully prepared for every aspect of the exam. Especially the written tasks that have challenged many students before. Unlock the Secrets Our...